To setup Role Based Access Control in Yii 2.0, there are three steps:

Step 1: Defining Roles and Permissions (What are the roles: permissions vs. roles)

Role and permission should be defined in common/rbac/items.php. The file can be either generated by yii rbac/initcommand or hand wirtten.

To generate items.php file, write the definitions in console/controllers/RbacController.php

Refer to

Step 2: Defining Rules (Who has what role: roles vs. users)

Rules are to control who can do that. For example we want alow admins ( = 1) to be able to manage all posts.

This is done in file common/rbac/UserGroupRule.php

Refer to

Step 3: Checking access in Controller (permissions vs. actions)

Define which permissions/roles to apply to which action. For example permission managePost only be active for actions create, view, update and delete.

Refer to