This site is now built with Hugo

I have migrated this site from WordPress to Hugo. I love the simplicify of setting up a WordPress site and the low maintenance it requires. But, I like tinkering with the latest and greatest technologies. Why abandoning WordPress? For my simple blogging needs, I don’t want to worry about updates and security patches For a $5/month DigitalOcean server, it runs decently fast. However, I think I can do better Why Hugo?...

November 5, 2021 · Jason

Blog Migration

This blog has migrated from Farbox to WordPress. By migration, I mean copy blog text and images and paste into WordPress blogs. There were a few blogging platform choices I considerd: Kirby, Jekyll and WordPress. The former 2 are static file based tools. Static files usually mean better performance and future proof. I choose WordPress because it’s easier to setup and has better content management features. The platform won’t go any where in 10 years....

March 31, 2017 · Jason